Faculty Promotion, Tenure & Periodic Performance Review


The quality of the College is determined to a large extent by the quality of the faculty.  In our concern for the College's quality, the administration and faculty base the criteria for faculty promotion upon continued growth in professional skills and performance.  The College encourages and assists each faculty member to improve professionally.  Promotion is one means of encouraging professional improvement, of reflecting the continuing value of the faculty member to the college, and of rewarding meritorious service.  Faculty who are awarded promotion shall be afforded all rights, rewards, privileges and responsibilities pertaining to said promotion.

Policy 2.106 Faculty Rank and Promotion

See the Important Dates for timelines.


The quality of the College is determined to a large extent by the quality of the faculty.  In our concern for the College's quality, the administration and faculty base the criteria for faculty tenure upon continued growth in professional skills and performance.  The College encourages and assists each faculty member to improve professionally.  Tenure is one means of encouraging professional improvement, of reflecting the continuing value of the faculty member to the college, and of rewarding meritorious service.  Faculty who are awarded tenure shall be afforded all rights, rewards, privileges and responsibilities pertaining to said tenure.

Policy 2.111 Tenure Policy

See the Important Dates for timelines.

Periodic Performance Review

At intervals not to exceed five (5) years following the award of tenure, the performance of tenured faculty must be reviewed.  When review for promotion to full professor coincides with a scheduled Periodic Performance Review, then the promotion review may take place of the Periodic Performance Review.

Policy 2.113 details the Periodic Performance Review process

The purpose of performance review is to support the faculty member's continuous professional development and excellence. In this way, faculty evaluation contributes to ongoing improvement of college programs.

Overall evaluation of instructional personnel at Lewis-Clark State College has several components. The job description and annual performance review comprise the foundation. Other parts include advancement in rank, tenure, and periodic performance review.